

Friday, September 2, 2011

Labor Day weekend

The best laid plans.....

Well..things do not go as planned, even when you plan well, it seems. At least, in my case lately. We had planned for Midget to stay with the neighbors, while we went to Faire and clear land for next year. We planned and planned and planned.....and it fell through no matter what we did. First it was a money issue, well..we sorta had a fix for that, and were still going to go. But, hubbykins woke up this morning with a sore throat, and coughing a bit. By afternoon, he was sicker than sick! Throwing up, fever, coughing his lungs out, and achy. Yeah.....sooo not going camping this weekend and clearing land. Poor thing feels so bad, that even when presented with his favorite, fettuccine Alfredo..he didn't eat more than a few bites.

We had expected, hoped, and prayed for rain. We thought it was going to hit this morning, yesterday morning, in fact..and's not. It is so close though, you feel like you can touch it. But, the tropical storm hit Louisiana, not Texas. I am so over this oppressive heat and humidity. This drought can go bye bye now! I don't think anyone has ever wanted a hurricane to hit so badly in their life! But, that's what I keep hearing from those around me lol.

School Dazed and Confused

Ok, so I actually ran into the mom of one of the groups of young kids walking home from school, unchaperoned. She walked them to school...ok... great!, but..she doesn't go get them FROM school, and watches from the window. One of the other mom's that I walk with, to and from, commented "That's, what is she going to do if they get kidnapped on the way to or from school? Say that she can describe the perp, because she saw it from the window?" . I have to agree, I think this mom needs a smack upside the head. The sidewalk is a mere 4-5 inches from the road. It's super busy during school hours, and moderately busy not during school hours. Yes, it's a side street, but it's one surrounded by schools, and two major roads. She's one of those, that expects the other parents to watch out for her kids. Now, as I've said before, I don't mind it too much, but I'm a responsible parent, why can't she be? And how horrible would she feel if her kids got hit, killed, or snatched on the way to or from school? What? She doesn't want to go out in the heat? Oh well..that's what we do.

It drives me crazy with parents like these. Neglectful, and they don't even think that's what they're being. They think it's ok to do this, at least that mom did. No, I did not voice my opinion, nor did I show my disapproval. I don't feel it's my p
lace to police her. I'll continue to keep an eye on her kids, when I see them. But, I seriously think this woman needs a reality check. The children in question are 9, 7, and 5. In my opinion, that's too young to walk home by themselves.


So, I started on my winter projects, as I stated previously. I've finished two Christmas presents! Now, to finish the others lol! As soon as the scissor fairy returns my scissors for cutting out cloth...(odds are I put them up high somewhere, and it's too high for me to see >.<, being short has it's major disadvantages, this is what I get for attempting to " mia proof" my house). Anywho. As soon as I find them, I've got two aprons to cut out, both I think will be holiday aprons. One for me, and one for Mimi. I've got a dress pattern to cut out as well, and two skirts. Whew! I'm gonna be a busy bee!

The apron isn't one I've done, yet! That's the apron style I'm going for. The next picture is of the dishcloth that is now finished, I'm working on a matching pot holder that I'm knitting. I crochet dishcloths, and knit the potholders. I want the holes for the dish cloths, but not for the potholders lol.

That's all for now folks!

Here's lookn' at you kid!


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