

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

1 parent's opinion....

I don't think I'm an authority on parenting, far from it. I have my issues, just like every other parent out there. But, I do think I've got a fair bit of common sense. Something I notice other parents seem to lack. When I'm asked my opinion or help with something having to do with parenting, I'm humbled by the fact that someone else thinks so highly of my in put. Sometimes I'll admit, I'd love give some of these parents who don't do anything constructive, or guiding with their children, a smack upside the head. Especially when I see that a child has exhibited behavior, that makes me wonder where their parents are.

Yesterday, I got a knock on my door from two children holding up hand made signs, in crayon, saying they were poor, and begging for money, while giggling the whole time. I was appalled! Where are the parents?!? I would NEVER allow my child to roam around a neighborhood, or apartment complex, unchaperoned, and holding up such embarrassing signs. I would be mortified, as a parent, had I found out my child pulled such a stunt!

Then, this morning, I go to one of my favorite sites, run by a christian mom, only to see a 9 yr old has spammed the site, with a copy cat site, posting a link to her blog on every, single, solitary, comment. How rude! Again..where's the parent?

I can't help but wonder where these so called good parents are. I know I can't be the only one out there, who feels as I do on this subject. Maybe someone does need to give out an instruction booklet on parenting to new mom's. Especially one's who, perhaps, aren't mature enough to raise children yet. Now, I'm not bashing teen mom's, or young mom's here, I've met a few who are young mom's, who are more mature than some 40 yr old mom's. Maturity does not equal age.

When I walk my daughter to and from school, I notice a few children, from the elementary school, walking by themselves. I don't think this is right either. They're not old enough to stay home by themselves, why on earth, would they be old enough, or safe enough to walk to and from school by themselves? Don't these parents worry about child abductions? Or, do they just assume, that there's other parents out there, walking their children to and from school, so we'll just watch out for their kid. Hello! I am not your kid's parent! Yes! I do watch out for those kids, and yes, I do invite them to walk with us for safety reasons. I'm not talking about 10 or 11 yr olds here, either. I'm talking about 5-9 yr olds here. I'm sorry, but that's TOO YOUNG! How would that parent feel if their kid got snatched, or hit by a car? They'd never know until it was too late.

In this day and age, it's not safe to allow your kid to be by themselves. I don't think it was when I was a kid either. I understand that some parents work a lot, but, that's what daycare's and after school programs, and babysitters are for, heck, even neighbors.

Being a good parent, means that you look after your child's well being. You, as a parent, do everything in your power to make sure your child is safe, healthy, and happy. Predators look for an opportunity. If you don't give them that opportunity, then odds are, things like snatching won't happen nearly as often. Yes, it can happen anyway, and yes, I'm aware of that fact. But there can be preventative measures taken, to try to avoid that horrific situation. No parent wants to go through that. I just don't understand why other parents don't see that. Why tempt fate? I'm not saying smother the child, and not allow them some freedom, I'm saying, do it age appropriately, with simple guidelines and awareness.

If your child's going to be at Suzie's house to play, then by golly, make sure either you pick up and drop off, or Suzie's parents do, or if little Mary's old enough, and mature enough to go by herself, then make sure she calls you when she get's there, and calls you when she's on her way home!

Common sense people! There's too many parents out there who rely on everyone else to raise their children, be it other parents, school, TV, or the internet. This is why CPS is so feared, because neglectful parents, who don't know what the heck they're doing, and don't know enough to ask.

Ok, I'm climbing off of my soap box now.


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