

Friday, August 26, 2011

1st week of school already over?! wow...

Well, we've started school. The first week's gone by pretty fast! One child started Middle school, and the other, Kindergarten. I've started an album on my facebook of hairstyles, that I'm creating, using my daughter as my teeny model. She's so good, she lets me play with her hair, sometimes without throwing a fit lol. She may not like the "during" of the hair project, but loves the end results!

Mimi's lost her very first tooth, and got a visit from the toothfairy. Colin has lost another tooth as well, right before school started. My little snaggle puss kids!

I started on my christmas projects, and put away my unfinished summer ones. I hope to finish the sweater I started, before winter comes. We shall see!

No pain, no gain..litterally
I started on my work out routine, and oh my gosh! My calves keep trying to cramp. But! My goal is to get into a size 12 by Christmas, and a size 10 by the summertime. With any luck, I'll do it before then. My ultimate goal is to get into a size 9. Keep in mind, when I started this journey of weight loss, and healthier choices, I started out at a whopping 220lbs, at a size 26! Over the past 2 years, I've gone from a size 26, to a size 13/14. I still have a long way to go, but I am hopeful!

Gearing up for the Renaissance Festival!
The Renn fest is fast approaching, and we're getting ready! We plan on going to the Sherwood one during Labor day weekend to help clear out the campsite for next season, and I sure hope we don't melt! Then, it'll be getting ready for October, and TRF!

Hot flashes, or what?
It's been a scorcher of a summer this year. With temps soaring into the triple digits for the entire month of Aug., it's been so hot, and dry that the tree's are dying all over the place. Which is sad, those big old oak tree's are turning brown. We've had to battle wildfires, drought, and extreme heat! I don't think I can remember a time when people were actually praying for a hurricane to hit. Hopefully the rain will fall soon, or a tropical storm will hit, and we'll all be OK.

I am sooo excited! I now have both of Lauren Rennells books now! (found here... ) I've been having a ball trying out new hairstyles as well as the makeup tutorials.

Just a few shout outs to the bloggers that I follow and just simply ADORE! I wanted to say a big "thank you" to you, for such wonderful inspiration!

Here's lookin' at you kid!


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