

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Playing with pictures...

So..after my huge rant below, I decided I needed some cheering up. I made dinner tonight, got the kiddo into the bath, then into bed. My husband has been sick for a few days now, so it's been a rather uneventful labor day weekend for us. But, at least he's sick on a holiday, and doesn't have to take time off of work. He hates taking time off of work, more than he hates getting sick. So, I sat down, after getting everyone settled and began playing with my psp. I am well aware that there are "better" photo manipulation software out there. I don't like them. I'm sticking with my paint shop pro.

 One of the things I enjoy doing is making signature tags. I've gotten away from Sig tag groups, however, as they seem to be more risque than I'm comfortable with, and if I decide that I don't want to create, or don't have time for it, I don't want to hear anyone fussing at me because I've gone M.I.A.'s what I came up with...

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