

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Starting over again.....again...

Well, it would seem that yet again, I'm having to start my life over again. I should be used to this by now. Due to where we moved, jobs are in short supply, so I'm going to start my own (hence the addition to my blog). I've been doing crochet for a long time now, ten years, and feel comfortable teaching the basics. I'm sure as I feel more comfortable, I'll expand to more intermediate classes. I sure hope this goes off with a good bang!

Lately though, I've been dealing with a lot. God doesn't give you more than you can handle, so He must think I can handle quite a lot lol. My mother always said that I'm a survivor, and that's the truth!
No matter what trials and tribulations come my way, I'm sure I'll hit those curve balls as they come.

My kids are doing fine, other than the "get those grades up" issues, they seem to be doing quite well otherwise. I've moved closer to my son, so that makes me very happy! I've missed him very much.
Mimi's lost four more teeth, so of course when she talks, it's too cute! Alas, gone are the "Tank too's", "Jush" (juice), "stlaw berry", and other ways she said things, she's growing up so fast!. My 12 yr old son is an inch shorter than me, and has much larger feet than I do, something I'm still not used to lol.

My husband and I are doing well, we are still as in love with each other as the day we first met. Maybe more so.  We're working through these trying times as well as can be expected with a minimum of pointing fingers and outbursts. Being without a good income will do that to a couple though. We try very hard to live by the one rule of not going to bed angry with each other. That sometimes works, but not always.

I'll just be glad when things even themselves out and we're on the path to the boring and routine. Our truck's having problems, something to do with the tie rod, but that will get fixed as soon as we're able.
The biggest worry right now (more immediate) would be money...LOL...we don't have any! That will change with time though, as well I know it.

The most important thing in life is Family, and harmony within the family structure. Thankfully, we've got that in abundance (well mostly harmony, everyone has their ups and downs from time to time).

God is still with me, I know that, and my faith is just as strong as it ever was in Him. I just wish it was just as strong within myself. I am my own worst enemy as I am sure most people will admit is their major downfall as well.

My favorite quote so far is from a movie "The Help" it reads as follows...


That's all for now folks, stay tuned!


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