

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

New Year...

So many things have happened that I don't know where to begin. A year ago, I was in a bad car accident, and have been without a car now since then, depending on friends to get me where I need to go, work, shopping, daily life. It hasn't been easy, but we've made do. I still have my job, and I'm doing better at it, but want something better. I know I'm destined for something better than this. I still do my crocheting and knitting. I feel like I'm just surviving, that's all I've ever done. Make it from this paycheck, to the next one, hoping that when special occasions happen, that we can do something for them. We don't have a lot, we're not even "middle class" or close to it, as far as income goes. We're good people, honest, loyal to those we're close to, give the clothes off our backs to those who have less than we do, if we can. I wish we could do more for ourselves, for our family, for our friends, and those who are in need. Things just don't stretch far enough. Hopefully, this year will be different. I'm grateful for what we DO have. My goals for this year, are to have a car, and maybe a new outlet for a better job that I enjoy, and make more money doing, that I can enjoy life with the family a bit more easily. So, we can go out and do more things, like trips to the beach on the weekends, and going to explore our surroundings in nature. Going camping, tubing, fishing, things like that. Here's to a new year and new beginnings.
My son Colin, 16
My daughter Mimi, 10

Me 2016

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Time flies...

Well, it's been almost a year since I started working at AW, there's a shift bid coming up today, and I'm hopeful that I can  get an earlier shift, with a wed. off.

Nothing major has happened really, just the day to day of going to work, getting kiddo off to school, and doing it all over again every day. The weather has been a lot colder than I, or anyone, expected and for longer, so that's been an interesting twist to what I'm used to.  I just hope that this summer isn't too bad.

I've been working on little projects lately, crocheting socks...working on my ripple blanket, and big granny square blanket. I'm trying to use up my stash of yarn, so I can of course, buy more later lol. I can honestly say that yarn is an addiction. But, one that I don't mind scouring garage sales, and thrift stores for.

Daniel has just thrilled me to pieces lately, with how well he's doing in the kitchen! That man can cook! I'm so proud of him, he was the typical mac n cheese, hot dog, and sandwich kinda cook about a year ago, and today, he's not even close to the same person in the kitchen that he was before. So proud!

The kids are doing fine, Colin is going on a field trip with his school to Washington D.C.
Mia's grades are improving, we're working on behavior issues, not necessarily bad one's, more along the lines of refining manners, and emphasizing being polite and courteous.  I just wish she had a volume button to turn down, that child can be loud at times lol.

Well, that's all for now ....:)

Monday, January 13, 2014

And Today's ramblings are....

Ok, so it's been a long time since I've posted, not sure if anyone reads this anyway...

The job is going good, I've been here for 7 months now, going on 8. We've moved into our own place, and are just about completely settled. We had a pretty good Christmas, and are planning Mimi's birthday, and Daniel's birthday, then there's Valentines day, and Mardi Gras, and our wedding anniversary. Daniel is working on writing a few short stories and a book to publish. So, I'm really proud of him for finally using his degree!

I've been working my tail off lately, but I'm still finding time on the weekends to crochet and knit. I made the most adorable cabbage patch kid doll hat for a family friend.

I'm working on a knitted headband/ear warmer

That's going well, as well.

Daniel has really surprised me lately, he's been baking, and cooking, I'm really impressed. Things are starting to look up again :). More later...

moi ;)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The beginning...

It's the start of a new place, a new job, and new things going on. I've started a new job at a call center, that I hope will turn out to be a long endeavor. I like it so far, so that's a plus. It's challenging and hopefully will turn out rewarding. Of course, my paranoia sets in a bit, that I may not make it, and what then...but...I try not to let that drag me down into that bog of insanity. The bog of "what if's" can be a horrible thing to try to wade through, even at the best of times.

  We've moved into a new town, so new possibilities are abound, both good and bad. We'll just try to focus on the good, and avoid the bad at all costs. Summer is almost here, which means no school for kiddo's. I know they're happy about that. The littlest one is going to need a lot of work with her math over the summer, but she is passing to the second grade, so we are very happy about that.

   My goals so far, are for us to get our truck on the road soon, to get on our feet enough to get a place of our own, and to get things jump started for our little family. These constant set backs are just plain annoying.

My wants are simple, to have a healthy family, a happy family, and a safe and secure family. Not too much to ask, at least I think so. I don't want a big house, a small house will do, just something to call our own, and not be fearful that the rug will be pulled out from under us again. I'm so tired of starting over, that seems to be a theme in my life.

  I wonder what it is that I keep doing wrong, even when I think I've figured it out, and changed it, it happens again. I think a big part of it, is trusting people. How cynical is that?! But, I've gotten to the point that I don't trust anyone anymore, not fully anyway. I'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop. That, I can tell you, is not a good feeling.

Bye for now, more to come....

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

My wish list.....Lefton Porcelain...milk glass...and pink depression glass

As fuddy duddy as this may seem, I enjoy shabby chic things very much. This includes things you may find in your grandmother's house. One of the main brands I'm in love with is, Lefton Porcelain.

Here's a few items that I'm just in love with!

As well as these lovely items...

Pitcher and saucer (miniature)

Sugar bowl

Bobby pin holder

Then there's always another vintage favorite...milk glass...

Like this milk glass lamp

And milk glass cake plate, it doesn't always have to be white :)

Milk glass jewelry holder

Another favorite, that is hard to find the real deal, is pink depression glass

THESE are a few of my favorite things 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Bottling up negativity is not a good thing....

I sure hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, I sure did. Though...I do miss my son, he's with his Nanna, and Pawpaw Bubba this year. I try every year not to be down, but I end up getting a little depressed anyway. I want, more than anything, to be closer to one side of my family, but they don't seem to want me to be. It's tough, when you know they love you, you love them, but whenever you get together, things are just tense as all get out. It's just the way things are, unfortunately. Maybe one day things will be different.

   I'm just not going to give up hope, but, I will stop trying to force my way into their lives as much. With each passing year, I back up a little more. I'm still going to keep communication lines open, and just pray that one day we can all be in the same place, at the same time, and all feel comfortable. To be honest though, even as a kid, and teenager, I didn't feel comfortable. I've always felt like the odd duck in a family of geese. I see the relationship my mother has with my sister, and I'm jealous. It's not that I want to replace my sister, I don't. I just want my own place within that combo.

   I wish I could sit down with my mom, and my sister, and have an adult conversation, I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon though. I'm not sure what's worse really, the knowledge that they don't really want me around, or that I don't think that I've done enough wrong to warrant it. It's really a matter of differences of opinion. They think I should have gone right, and I went to speak. It's not like I'm a druggy, or an alcoholic or anything else so horrible, it's simply that I've made choices in my life that they don't agree with.

   I'm not the daughter they wanted me to be, I didn't live up to their expectations, and to be honest, I'm not like that anyway. I do things my way, they may not work out the best, or be the most lucrative, and yes, I've had to struggle for everything I've got. But, I appreciate it more. Nothing has ever been handed to me on a silver platter, and nothing ever will. I like that, though, like I said before, it means more that way.

    I've had a hard life, not as hard as some, but certainly harder than that side of the family wanted me to go through. I feel as if I'm an embarrassment to them. They've made judgement's on me, which would never have come true, because I'm not the person they think I am. For instance, I wasn't invited, nor did I even know of, my sister's wedding. Why? Because she thought I'd "make a scene", I still don't know what she meant by that. I wouldn't have made a scene, other than to give her a hug, and wish her well. She and I haven't spoken for several years now, and I doubt we ever will.  But, that started before she got married. She thinks my life is "stranger than fiction", and that I'm ungrateful. Maybe her version of what life is supposed to be like, just doesn't mesh with what it really is. Not everyone finishes collage, not everyone marries well off, not everyone goes through life in "order".

1. Graduate High school
2. Graduate Collage
3. Have a good career
4. Marry well off, or at least equal to, or above your "station"

I didn't do that....she did.

Instead, I went to collage for one semester, didn't finish, went to work instead, got pregnant, got married to my son's father, separated, moved a few times during all of this, met someone else, got pregnant, didn't marry the guy, moved again several times, got the divorce from the first husband,ended up a single mom with two kids (working during this time too), moved again, went through some issues with my family and my son moving in with his paternal grandmother (for reasons I'm not going to disclose here, but it was voluntary), met the love of my life, got married, and moved a few times more.

Of course, I'm leaving details out, but you get the picture. My life has been chaotic at best, and it's not all happy and rainbows, and orderly. I want it to be orderly, it's just not happened that way.

Now, if I were to describe myself, I'd say I'm boring. I like to knit, crochet, collect recipes, cook, bake, go to church on Sunday's, and go on camping trips, and educational, yet fun vacations with my kids and husband.

We like to dress up in period clothing, and go to renaissance festivals, and air shows, and WWII re-enactments. I enjoy creative writing, and am an avid reader. I think that children need to be taught respect, and manners, and that most children now days are sorely lacking in that respect.

I DO have my hand out, but to those who have clothing that doesn't fit their children anymore, let me find a good home for it with those in need. I take food to food banks, and when I'm able to find the time, I make baby blankets and give them to those who need them. Not just during the holidays, but all the time. It's not just during the holidays that people need things. My addictions are quite literally, ice, diet coke, and yarn.

I don't do drugs, I rarely drink, and I try to eat healthy. The last one I fall off the wagon, but doesn't everyone at least sometime in their life? I'm in love with my husband, in love with my children, and strive to be the best mommy and wife I can possibly be. I am no saint, but I am a good person, with a good heart, and even better intentions.

I have a bad habit of trying to be Mrs. Fix it. and yes, that does get me into hot water sometimes. I think I'm being skeptical of some people, only to learn that even though I'm overprotective of my family, I end up trusting the wrong people anyway.

I'm a list maker, on just about everything, not just on "things" but on life itself. There's a lot to go through before I allow you into my every day life, but even then...sometimes  bad things happen to good people.

I'm posting this, because I've held it in for several years now, maybe there's someone out there who's gone through something similar, maybe there's someone out there, who's going through it right now, and feels like they're the only one. To the latter, you're not, and I'm not. Life goes on.

I feel that it's not important that you've lived your life like everyone else, but it's important what you've left behind when you die. I hope that end up teaching my kids what's important in life. That "things" aren't, family is, that money comes and goes, but family is always there, even if you don't agree, even if you don't get along, they're still family. That family isn't always who you're born to, but who you allow into your heart. Be careful who you trust, because even if at first they seem perfect to fit into your world, they may surprise you in a very negative way. You won't be able to tell that right away, maybe not for a very long time, but don't let your guard down completely with anyone. It's not all about you, it's not all about self preservation, it's about other's as well. Selfishness is not acceptable behavior, but at the same time, you do have to have a little self preservation, and your kids come first, no matter what.

You do what's best for your children, even if no one else agree's, if it's what's best for them, you do it. You're not here to please everyone else, you're not here to please yourself either. You're here to make sure that your children are taught the right things, the humane things, the things that will stick with them throughout their adulthood. You can't think of just yourself, you have to think about them, and what they'll bring to the world around them, and the children to come in the future.

Now, don't get me wrong, you need to find happiness for yourself too, just not at the expense of everyone around you. The best way to teach the lessons to be learned, is to live them yourself. If your child see's you unhappy, foul mouthed, selfish, and basically inconsiderate to other's, how do you think they're going to act? If, instead, they see you working things out with your significant other, and when the chips are down, doesn't realize it, because you're a happy family, what do you think they're going to learn then?

Your bad habits will become your children's, if not then you're damn lucky. Some kids see what the parents are doing wrong, and decide to do the opposite, and I say Good for them! But, some....unfortunately, don't do that, and end up doing worse. Then there's those, that the parents have done everything they possibly could right, and the kids end up doing the opposite. To those, I'm so very sorry that's happened to you.

At least, if you've tried to do your  best, showed them by example, the way they should be, then you've done your job as a parent. I must add here, that there's always an exception to the rule, and S@#! does happen.

The hardest lesson that I'm still learning, is to appreciate what you have, and not be upset at what you don't. I may not have the family I want, but, I do have a wonderful family right here with me now. I appreciate the family I have, who love me, and want me. And I will not give up hope that I can somehow, someday, include those who don't want me with them for whatever their reasoning.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Beginning crochet and knitting...

I'm going to start giving step by step instructions, with pictures to follow soon having to do with beginning crochet and knitting instructions. As well as simple projects to create with these introductory instructions.

Lesson 1..

Casting on

I use a method of casting on, that's easy for me to do, there are different ways to cast on, and different ways to knit.

Slip knot..first we start with a slip knot.

To make a slip knot, hold the yarn so that the tail of the yarn ball is hanging in front of your hand.
Wrap the yarn loosely behind your first two fingers of your left hand. The yarn should loop all the way around your fingers clockwise.
Take the part of the yarn that's attached to the ball and slip it back under the loop behind your fingers
Then slide this off your fingers, pull to tighten slightly, and slip it over the needle.

Casting on...second, we begin to cast on...
Once you've made your slip knot, put the needle with the slip knot in your left hand and the empty needle in your right.
To begin the cast on, loop the yarn around your left hand thumb so that the tail of the yarn is on the upper part of your hand, and the yarn attached to the ball of yarn is over the lower of your thumb. Insert the needle beneath the yarn on the lower part of your hand, and pull through. This will create a loop on your needle. 
Here is a good example of this, using the right thumb, not the left. 
Lesson 2...
Knitting stitch 
1. With the yarn at the back of the work, insert the right hand needle from left to right through the front of the first stitch on the left hand needle.
2. Wind the yarn over the right hand needle
3. Pull through a loop 
4. Slip the original stitch off the left hand needle
Repeat until all the stitches have been transferred from the left to the right hand needle.
Lesson 3...
Purl stitch
1. With the yarn at the front of the work, insert the right hand needle from right to left through the front of the first stitch on the left hand needle
2. Wind the yarn round the right hand needle
3. Draw a loop through to the back
4. Slip the original stitch off the left hand needle

Garter stitch
  The garter stitch is formed by working every row as a knit row, the first row usually being      the right side, this can also be achieved by purling every row instead
Stocking stitch
Stocking stitch is made up of one row of knit stitches followed by one row of purl stitches, starting with a knit row, which is the right side of the work.
Reverse stitch
Reverse stocking stitch is made up of one row of purl stitches followed by one row of knit stitches, starting with a purl row, which is the right side of the work.
Ribbing is an elastic fabric which is often used for garment edgings. The two most usual types are 1x1 rib, which is formed by alternating 1 knit stitch and 1 purl stitch and 2x2 rib which is formed by alternating 2 knit stitches and 2 purl stitches. Care must be taken to purl the stitches which were knitted on the previous row and vice versa. Making sure you count the stitches and rows will help in keeping the rows uniform. 
Casting off..
What to do when you're done with your knitting project...
Casting Off
Casting off is the method used to dispose of a number of stitches. It is used to form the last row of the work. Always cast off in pattern, i.e. when working on stocking stitch cast off knitwise on a knit row and purlwise on a purl row and when casting off ribbing, do so as if you were continuing to rib. Most pattern stitches can be followed when casting off.
Casting off knitwise
Knit the first two stitches. * Using the left hand needle, lift the first stitch over the second and drop it off the needle. Knit the next stitch and repeat from * 
Casting off purlwise
Purl the first two stitches. *Using the left hand needle, lift the first stitch over the second and drop it off the needle. Purl the next stitch and repeat from *
Casting off with a crochet hook (my preferred method)
It saves a lot of time if you use a crochet hook to cast off. Treat the crochet hook as if it were the right hand needle and knit or purl the first two stitches in the usual way. *Pull the second stitch through the first, knit or purl the next stitch and repeat from *.
This method is particularly useful when a loose, elastic cast off edge is required, as you can gently loosen the stitch still on the crochet hook to ensure that the elasticity is retained. 

Project 1
Using the basics...
1 skein of yarn, I suggest a light color so you can easily see the stitches
US size 7 needle
Cast on 40 stitches, and knit until you reach the end of the row, turn, and continue knitting until you get a 9x9 square, then cast off.
 You can use this as a dish cloth, or knit it into a rectangle for a scarf, or, you can make multiple squares and sew them together for a blanket. 

If you have any questions, please comment below. 
*please note*
The link posted above is not my own, and I cannot stress enough, that with the internet being so available there are several how to videos out there teaching step by step instructions on knitting and crochet. I highly suggest you go to youtube or use a search engine to find videos if my instructions aren't enough. I use them as well, they're a great tool to put in your crafting tool box :D 

The best advice I can give you is this...don't give up, if you get frustrated, set it aside, and come back to your project. Most of all...HAVE FUN! This isn't supposed to be stressful, and after you've gotten confident with the first project, branch out. There are a ton of free patterns for all kinds of knitting and crochet projects out there on the net. Soon, you'll find that the most difficult issue, is picking which one to try! 

Thank you for visiting my blog!